The Eliant Blog

Customer Franchising: How to Build Referral-Based Sales

Brand loyalty. Procter & Gamble has it with “Crest.” General Mills has it with “Cheerios.” Fed-Ex has it. Nordstrom has it. Even Alpo has it, and if a dog food can establish loyal customers, why can’t home builders?   Sure, we’re different. We sell the most expensive product around; we offer the most difficult, emotional […]

Benefits of Eliant vs. Internal Surveys

We live in a DIY culture – there are shows, magazines and classes ad nauseum on how to do everything yourself.  However, when it comes to customer satisfaction, leave it to the experts to help you learn what your customers really think about your homes.   The following are just a few insights on the differences […]

10 Key Tips For Increasing Homeowner Referrals

Several years ago, I wrote an article for Builder Digest: “Forget About Satisfying Your Customers”, in which I referred to a list of ten steps suggested by Eliant for improving homeowner referrals. Since that article appeared, we have received hundreds of requests for our list and have been happy to send our suggestions to all […]

Boots on the Ground Help You Control Your Future

Spend more time listening to your staff, not your lawyers By Bob Mirman, CEO, Eliant By Eric Mitchell, VP of Innovation, Eliant   “All bumps are unexpected. If you knew they were coming, you’d avoid them completely.” – Rebecca Crane   This is a true story. As the Division President of one of our client builders, […]

Millennial Home Buyers and Rental Markets

Changes on the horizon for rental homes! Home ownership rates are growing…blame it on the millennials. Click here to read the article.

Oakwood Homes Creates the Colorado Homebuilding Academy

“Every single year the labor situation has basically gotten worse,” said Patrick Hamill, CEO of Oakwood. To read more on how he has created a solution for Colorado’s construction labor shortage click here .

Creating Sales From Referrals

“Learn from the mistakes of others.  You can never live long enough to make them all yourself.” ~Groucho Marx   You can bet your life that Groucho was right. Time is short. Why not speed up the  learning curve and learn from others’ mistakes and successes? Use Customer Evaluations to Motivate Your Staff Yelp. Trip Advisor. […]

The Homebuying Stress Test

  “Better under-stated than over-stated. Let people be surprised that it was more than you promised and easier than you said.” – Jim Rohn, Entrepreneur The Homebuying Stress Test During my recent annual physical, my doctor suggested a ‘stress-test,’ so I invited my entire family over for Thanksgiving dinner.  This included my three grown kids, sister, brother, 98-year old […]

Design Matters at TRI Pointe

One of the country’s top home building companies urges its employees to pause their design process and question the “What If” to bring more value to homeowners.

5 Steps for Properly Setting Buyers’ Expectations

Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure.
— James Altucher

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